• ETH triangle

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    • BNB BNB Chain
    • POLYGON Polygon
    • KLAY Klay
    • HT Heco
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Rotten Revenant Tundror of Nightmare Paradise
  • background


    17.07% memiliki sifat (trait) ini

  • body

    Ethereal Swashbuckling Gear

    1.99% memiliki sifat (trait) ini

  • head

    Rotten Revenant

    3.27% memiliki sifat (trait) ini

  • prop

    Nixie's Lament: the Rain Spell

    1.56% memiliki sifat (trait) ini

  • familiar

    Skeleton Cat

    4.13% memiliki sifat (trait) ini

  • rune

    Soul Rune of Up Only

    3.41% memiliki sifat (trait) ini

  • Transmuted from number


    0.14% memiliki sifat (trait) ini

  • Transmuted from

    Battle Mage Tundror of the Surf

    0.14% memiliki sifat (trait) ini

  • Burn order


    0.14% memiliki sifat (trait) ini

Forgotten Souls
Rotten Revenant Tundror of Nightmare Paradise

ETH ETH Belum listing

  • background


    17.07% memiliki sifat (trait) ini

  • body

    Ethereal Swashbuckling Gear

    1.99% memiliki sifat (trait) ini

  • head

    Rotten Revenant

    3.27% memiliki sifat (trait) ini

  • prop

    Nixie's Lament: the Rain Spell

    1.56% memiliki sifat (trait) ini

  • familiar

    Skeleton Cat

    4.13% memiliki sifat (trait) ini

  • rune

    Soul Rune of Up Only

    3.41% memiliki sifat (trait) ini

  • Transmuted from number


    0.14% memiliki sifat (trait) ini

  • Transmuted from

    Battle Mage Tundror of the Surf

    0.14% memiliki sifat (trait) ini

  • Burn order


    0.14% memiliki sifat (trait) ini

Forgotten Souls
Forgotten Souls
The Forgotten Souls are the transmuted Souls of the Forgotten Runes Wizard's Cult. Each is created by burning both a Wizard and a Sacred Flame. No more than 1112 Forgotten Souls will ever exist Sister Collections: [Forgotten Runes Wizards Cult](https://opensea.io/collection/forgottenruneswizardscult) | [Sacred Flame](https://opensea.io/assets/0x31158181b4b91a423bfdc758fc3bf8735711f9c5/0) | [Forgotten Ponies](https://opensea.io/collection/forgottenrunesponies) [Official Website](http://forgottenrunes.com) | [Discord](https://discord.gg/forgottenrunes) | [Twitter](https://twitter.com/forgottenrunes) | [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/forgotten_runes/) | [Book of Lore](https://www.forgottenrunes.com/lore) | [Principles](https://www.forgottenrunes.com/posts/principles)
  • Kontrak


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  • Mainnet
