You can also use our OTC feature to buy USDT/USDC with fiat currency and swap for other tokens.
Bitget Swap has the most inclusive Linea market intelligence, including Real-time Quote, Token Price Chart (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly Chart), Token Contract, Market Cap, Circulating Supply, Holders, Transaction Histories, and Data Analysis. You may also find the Bitget Wallet’s InstantGas Swap handy, especially for new Linea Wallet users, as it does not require users to hold the native token (Linea ETH) to swap for other tokens, such as USDT or USDC, on the Linea mainnet.
前往 Bitget SwapBitget Wallet DApp supports all kinds of DApps on Linea, including DeFi, NFT, GameFi, Bridge, Exchange, Mine, Tools, Social, and Loan. Users can add Linea ETH as their favorite token. Besides, all the latest and hottest projects are listed in the “New” section of Bitget Wallet. With the Bitget Wallet DApp Browser, you can switch between different mainnets, including Linea.
前往 Bitget DApp 瀏覽器Linea, backed by ConsenSys, is a zk-Rollup solution heralding a new wave of decentralized apps (DApps) on Ethereum. Linea enhances the Ethereum experience by providing seamless compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), facilitating faster and more affordable DApp usage. It utilizes quantum-proof lattice-based cryptography to generate zero-knowledge proofs (ZK-proofs) for all transactions, then consolidates them on the mainnet, ensuring every transaction is logged onto Ethereum while greatly reducing security costs.
Linea ETH stands for the Ether (ETH) on the Linea blockchain. Ethereum and Linea are two completely different blockchains, so they have their own version of ETH. You can bridge your ETH on the Ethereum mainnet to the Linea mainnet using any bridging protocol or swap your ETH to Linea ETH using Bitget Swap in your Bitget Wallet.
Linea does not have a native token yet, but it allows for sending and receiving tokens like ETH, USDT, and USDC on its mainnet. If you do not have any tokens on the Linea mainnet, you may purchase them with fiat currency via Bitget Wallet OTC service. Linea is expected to have a native token for governance, incentivization, and protocol upgrades when it becomes fully decentralized. Early contributors of Linea, such as validators, users, and donors, may potentially receive the native token as a reward through airdrop in the future.
Linea is currently available on the mainnet and can be accessed through Bitget Wallet, which allows for creating crypto wallets on either blockchain and conducting transactions with available tokens.
The simplest way to start using Linea is by creating a Bitget Linea Wallet, which can be installed via Google Play, App Store, or Chrome extension. After installation, create a crypto wallet on the Linea mainnet and start making transactions in ETH and ERC20 tokens. You can then explore the Linea ecosystem through the Bitget Wallet DApp browser, which supports various DApps, including DeFi, NFT, DEX, and multiple tools.