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Bitget Wallet OmniConnect SDK

This section aims to guide you in developing a DApp within a Telegram Mini App and providing users the ability to connect to Bitget Wallet. By following the content below, you can quickly implement this feature.

If you are not yet familiar with how to develop a Telegram Mini App or use WalletConnect to connect wallets, it is recommended to first carefully read the following documents:

  1. Telegram App Development Guide
  2. WalletConnect

Example of the Expected Result

Due to platform limitations on Telegram, WalletConnect currently cannot function properly within the Telegram Mini App. If you're developing a DApp within a Telegram Mini App, you may encounter similar issues: whether you are trying to connect the wallet or prompt a signature, WalletConnect cannot successfully launch Bitget Wallet, and either gets stuck at the launch interface or shows no response at all.

By configuring your project according to this document, you can quickly resolve these issues and enable your DApp to use WalletConnect properly within the Telegram Mini App, achieving the following:

  1. By clicking Connect, a popup window will display the Bitget Wallet entry, allowing users to connect their Bitget Wallet.
  1. After clicking on Bitget Wallet, users will be successfully redirected to Bitget Wallet for connection and signing.

Development Process

Next, we will use the WalletConnect official demo code to demonstrate how to achieve the above results with a few simple configurations.

1. Install Project Dependencies

npm i @bitget-wallet/omni-connect @reown/appkit-adapter-wagmi @tanstack/react-query @wagmi/core @web3modal/wagmi networks react react-dom viem wagmi
npm i @bitget-wallet/omni-connect @reown/appkit-adapter-wagmi @tanstack/react-query @wagmi/core @web3modal/wagmi networks react react-dom viem wagmi

2. DApp Initialization of WalletConnect Logic

The key point in this step is passing featuredWalletIds into the createWeb3Modal method. Through this configuration, Bitget Wallet will be displayed in the wallet selection popup of WalletConnect.

featuredWalletIds: [
    "38f5d18bd8522c244bdd70cb4a68e0e718865155811c043f052fb9f1c51de662", // Bitget Wallet project ID
    "21c3a371f72f0057186082edb2ddd43566f7e908508ac3e85373c6d1966ed614", // Bitget Wallet Lite project ID
featuredWalletIds: [
    "38f5d18bd8522c244bdd70cb4a68e0e718865155811c043f052fb9f1c51de662", // Bitget Wallet project ID
    "21c3a371f72f0057186082edb2ddd43566f7e908508ac3e85373c6d1966ed614", // Bitget Wallet Lite project ID
// 0. Setup queryClient
const queryClient = new QueryClient();

// 1. Get projectId from
const projectId = import.meta.env.VITE_PROJECT_ID;
if (!projectId) throw new Error("Project ID is undefined");

// 2. Create wagmiConfig
const metadata = {
  name: "Web3Modal",
  description: "Web3Modal Example",
  url: "",
  icons: [""],

// Define chains
const chains = [mainnet, arbitrum] as const;

// Create the connectors
const connectors: CreateConnectorFn[] = [];
connectors.push(walletConnect({ projectId, metadata, showQrModal: false }));
connectors.push(injected({ shimDisconnect: true }));

    options: { projectId },
    socials: ["google", "x", "github", "discord", "apple"], // this will create a non-custodial wallet (see for more info)
    showWallets: true,
    email: true,
    walletFeatures: false,

const wagmiConfig = createConfig({
  chains, // Use the defined chains here
  transports: {
    []: http(),
    []: http(),
  connectors: connectors,

// 3. Create modal
  featuredWalletIds: ["38f5d18bd8522c244bdd70cb4a68e0e718865155811c043f052fb9f1c51de662", // Bitget Wallet project ID
    "21c3a371f72f0057186082edb2ddd43566f7e908508ac3e85373c6d1966ed614", // Bitget Wallet Lite project ID
// 0. Setup queryClient
const queryClient = new QueryClient();

// 1. Get projectId from
const projectId = import.meta.env.VITE_PROJECT_ID;
if (!projectId) throw new Error("Project ID is undefined");

// 2. Create wagmiConfig
const metadata = {
  name: "Web3Modal",
  description: "Web3Modal Example",
  url: "",
  icons: [""],

// Define chains
const chains = [mainnet, arbitrum] as const;

// Create the connectors
const connectors: CreateConnectorFn[] = [];
connectors.push(walletConnect({ projectId, metadata, showQrModal: false }));
connectors.push(injected({ shimDisconnect: true }));

    options: { projectId },
    socials: ["google", "x", "github", "discord", "apple"], // this will create a non-custodial wallet (see for more info)
    showWallets: true,
    email: true,
    walletFeatures: false,

const wagmiConfig = createConfig({
  chains, // Use the defined chains here
  transports: {
    []: http(),
    []: http(),
  connectors: connectors,

// 3. Create modal
  featuredWalletIds: ["38f5d18bd8522c244bdd70cb4a68e0e718865155811c043f052fb9f1c51de662", // Bitget Wallet project ID
    "21c3a371f72f0057186082edb2ddd43566f7e908508ac3e85373c6d1966ed614", // Bitget Wallet Lite project ID

3. DApp Initialization Logic and @bitget-wallet/omni-connect

In this step, the key is to execute the overrideWindowOpen() method during DApp page initialization. This will resolve the issue where WalletConnect fails to properly launch Bitget Wallet within the Telegram Mini App.

Note: The overrideWindowOpen() method relies on the API provided by Telegram Mini App, so it can only be executed within a Telegram Mini App. Ensure that this method is not executed in other environments.

useEffect(() => {
  const initOverrideWindowOpen = async () => {
      // Check if it's a Telegram Mini App environment
      const isTMA = await isTelegramEnvironment();
      if (!isTMA) {
      // Execute @bitget-wallet/omni-connect initialization
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
  const initOverrideWindowOpen = async () => {
      // Check if it's a Telegram Mini App environment
      const isTMA = await isTelegramEnvironment();
      if (!isTMA) {
      // Execute @bitget-wallet/omni-connect initialization
}, []);

At this point, you have completed the configuration to use WalletConnect to connect to Bitget Wallet within a Telegram Mini App. To summarize, the two key configurations are:

1. Configure the Bitget Wallet ID within the featuredWalletIds during the initialization of Wallet Connect.
2. Invoke the overrideWindowOpen() method from @bitget-wallet/omni-connect during the initialization process.

Complete Example

import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom/client";
import { createWeb3Modal } from "@web3modal/wagmi/react";

import { http, createConfig, WagmiProvider } from "wagmi";
import { mainnet, arbitrum } from "viem/chains";
import { walletConnect, injected } from "wagmi/connectors";
import type { CreateConnectorFn } from "@wagmi/core";

import { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider } from "@tanstack/react-query";
import { authConnector } from "@web3modal/wagmi";
import { isTelegramEnvironment, overrideWindowOpen } from "@bitget-wallet/omni-connect";

import "./styles.css";

// 0. Setup queryClient
const queryClient = new QueryClient();

// 1. Get projectId at
const projectId = import.meta.env.VITE_PROJECT_ID;
if (!projectId) throw new Error("Project ID is undefined");

// 2. Create wagmiConfig
const metadata = {
  name: "Web3Modal",
  description: "Web3Modal Example",
  url: "",
  icons: [""],

// Define chains
const chains = [mainnet, arbitrum] as const;

// create the connectors
const connectors: CreateConnectorFn[] = [];
connectors.push(walletConnect({ projectId, metadata, showQrModal: false }));
connectors.push(injected({ shimDisconnect: true }));

    options: { projectId },
    socials: ["google", "x", "github", "discord", "apple"], // this will create a non-custodial wallet (please check for more info)
    showWallets: true,
    email: true,
    walletFeatures: false,

const wagmiConfig = createConfig({
  chains, // Use the defined chains here
  transports: {
    []: http(),
    []: http(),
  connectors: connectors,

// 3. Create modal
  featuredWalletIds: [
    "38f5d18bd8522c244bdd70cb4a68e0e718865155811c043f052fb9f1c51de662", // Bitget Wallet project ID
    "21c3a371f72f0057186082edb2ddd43566f7e908508ac3e85373c6d1966ed614", // Bitget Wallet Lite project ID


const App = () => {
  useEffect(() => {
    const initOverrideWindowOpen = async () => {
        // Check if the environment is a Telegram Mini App
        const isTMA = await isTelegramEnvironment();
        if (!isTMA) {
        // Execute the initialization method from @bitget-wallet/omni-connect
  }, []);

  return (
      <WagmiProvider config={wagmiConfig}>
        <QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>
          <div className="centered-div">
            <w3m-button />

ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById("root") as HTMLElement).render(
  <App />
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom/client";
import { createWeb3Modal } from "@web3modal/wagmi/react";

import { http, createConfig, WagmiProvider } from "wagmi";
import { mainnet, arbitrum } from "viem/chains";
import { walletConnect, injected } from "wagmi/connectors";
import type { CreateConnectorFn } from "@wagmi/core";

import { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider } from "@tanstack/react-query";
import { authConnector } from "@web3modal/wagmi";
import { isTelegramEnvironment, overrideWindowOpen } from "@bitget-wallet/omni-connect";

import "./styles.css";

// 0. Setup queryClient
const queryClient = new QueryClient();

// 1. Get projectId at
const projectId = import.meta.env.VITE_PROJECT_ID;
if (!projectId) throw new Error("Project ID is undefined");

// 2. Create wagmiConfig
const metadata = {
  name: "Web3Modal",
  description: "Web3Modal Example",
  url: "",
  icons: [""],

// Define chains
const chains = [mainnet, arbitrum] as const;

// create the connectors
const connectors: CreateConnectorFn[] = [];
connectors.push(walletConnect({ projectId, metadata, showQrModal: false }));
connectors.push(injected({ shimDisconnect: true }));

    options: { projectId },
    socials: ["google", "x", "github", "discord", "apple"], // this will create a non-custodial wallet (please check for more info)
    showWallets: true,
    email: true,
    walletFeatures: false,

const wagmiConfig = createConfig({
  chains, // Use the defined chains here
  transports: {
    []: http(),
    []: http(),
  connectors: connectors,

// 3. Create modal
  featuredWalletIds: [
    "38f5d18bd8522c244bdd70cb4a68e0e718865155811c043f052fb9f1c51de662", // Bitget Wallet project ID
    "21c3a371f72f0057186082edb2ddd43566f7e908508ac3e85373c6d1966ed614", // Bitget Wallet Lite project ID


const App = () => {
  useEffect(() => {
    const initOverrideWindowOpen = async () => {
        // Check if the environment is a Telegram Mini App
        const isTMA = await isTelegramEnvironment();
        if (!isTMA) {
        // Execute the initialization method from @bitget-wallet/omni-connect
  }, []);

  return (
      <WagmiProvider config={wagmiConfig}>
        <QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>
          <div className="centered-div">
            <w3m-button />

ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById("root") as HTMLElement).render(
  <App />


  1. @bitget-wallet/omni-connect