过去24小时内 BWB 的链上交易笔数。
买入地址数 : 0
卖出地址数 : 0
对比 BWB 的资金流入与流出,洞察市场动向。
增加量 :
减少量 :
助推 BWB 增长的用户类型:鲸鱼、海豚或鱼。
买入量 : $0
卖出量 : $0
$0 买入
$0 卖出
Bitget Wallet has accumulated over 20 million users worldwide ever since its establishment in 2018, becoming one of the largest non-custodial wallets globally. In April 2024, Bitget Wallet's Swap trading order volume and transactions surpassed even that of MetaMask, reaching new historic highs and marking a pivotal milestone in the platform's growth. Today, Bitget Wallet stands as more than just a wallet - it has evolved into a robust decentralized ecosystem platform poised to embark on the next chapter in its evolutionary journey as Bitget On-Chain Layer. Complementing Bitget Wallet's evolution is BWB, Bitget Wallet's very own official ecosystem token and the native token of Bitget On-Chain Layer. BWB serves multiple purposes within the Bitget Wallet ecosystem, primarily: - Community governance; - Staking; - Payment of multi-chain gas fees upon the release of the AA wallet; - Access to Bitget Wallet's Launchpad and Bitget's platform events; - Access to Fair Launchpool and GetDrop airdrop events; - Eligibility for Bitget On-Chain Layer ecosystem project airdrops.