DApp Store

Skyrocket on Chain

Points Mining

Runes Zone

Blast Zone

BTC Scriptions

zkSync Zone

Merlin Chain Zone

AI Zone

EVM Inscriptions Zone

ZKFair Zone

Sui Zone

Berachain Zone

IDO Zone

Essential Top DApp


Manta Zone

Metis Zone

O3 Swap is a cross-chain aggregation protocol that realizes the free transaction of native assets between heterogeneous chains. It provides users with a "one-click" mode by deploying an "aggregator + asset cross-chain pool" model on different public chains and Layer 2 networks. The experience of cross-chain asset exchange, currently connected to the network including Ethereum, BSC, Neo, Heco, is expanding to Solana, Polygon, Polkadot and other ecosystems. The cross-chain aggregation protocol mainly achieves a more effective transaction path in two ways. The first is to aggregate liquidity-aggregate the liquidity of decentralized exchanges in major mainstream ecosystems, and find the best price for trading. The second is cross-chain asset exchange-citing cross-chain protocols to allow DeFi users to achieve one-click cross-chain exchange of mainstream assets.

Taiko Zone

Scroll Zone

Do Tasks to Earn

Airdrop hunting—Linea


Base Zone


Core DAO Zone

Airdrop hunting—LayerZero

Airdrop hunting—Lens

Airdrop hunting—Starknet


Test Coins


High-Risk&Yield DeFi


ETH Metti in staking ETH per guadagnare STETH
APR 4%-8%
Mainnet eth
Earn stETH
Fonte eth
MATIC Metti in staking MATIC per guadagnare MATICX
APR 5%-8%
Mainnet matic
Earn maticx
Fonte matic
SOL Metti in staking SOL per guadagnare MSOL
APR 5%-8%
Mainnet sol
Earn msol
Fonte sol
AVAX Metti in staking AVAX per guadagnare SAVAX
APR 6%-9%
Mainnet avax_c
Earn sAVAX
Fonte avax_c
BNB Metti in staking BNB per guadagnare ANKRBNB
APR 2%-4%
Mainnet bnb
Earn ankrbnb
Fonte bnb
IXT Metti in staking IXT per guadagnare IXT
APR 10%-20%
Mainnet matic
Earn IXT
Fonte matic
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