Anzahl der On-Chain-Transaktionen für CATWIFHAT in den letzten 24 Stunden.
Einkaufsadressen : 0
Verkaufsadressen : 0
Vergleich der Asset-Zuflüsse mit den Asset-Abflüssen für CATWIFHAT, um die Marktdynamik zu erkennen.
Erhöht um :
Verringert um :
Art der Spieler, die das Momentum in CATWIFHAT antreiben: Wale, Delfine oder Fische.
Kaufen : $0
Verkaufen : $0
$0 Kaufen
$0 Verkaufen
Ethereum Classic is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that can run completely programmatically without any possibility of downtime, censorship or third-party interference. Ethereum Classic is composed of cryptocurrency (ETC), a blockchain ledger, and an ecosystem of applications and services running on top of it. In short, Ethereum Classic provides a way to manage digital assets without the need for intermediaries (such as banks and other financial institutions). ETC allows the writing, deployment and execution of non-censorable smart contracts; it enables truly unstoppable programmable funds. Ethereum Classic is a continuation of the original non-branch Ethereum (ETH) chain and exists to preserve the principle of ``code is law''.
WBNB : catwifhat