Anzahl der On-Chain-Transaktionen für MLC in den letzten 24 Stunden.
Einkaufsadressen : 184
Verkaufsadressen : 244
Vergleich der Asset-Zuflüsse mit den Asset-Abflüssen für MLC, um die Marktdynamik zu erkennen.
Erhöht um : $52,058
Verringert um : $51,978
Art der Spieler, die das Momentum in MLC antreiben: Wale, Delfine oder Fische.
Kaufen : $52,100
Verkaufen : $51,310
$19,753 Kaufen
$26,260 Verkaufen
MiniDoge is a hyper deflationary token through the use of Autoboost. MiniDoge tokens are converted to BNB based on trade volume and reflections, the BNB is then sent to liquidity and the Buyback. Autoboost buys back a variable amount of MiniDoge tokens with the BNB anytime someone decides to sell, 100% of the MiniDoge tokens bought back are then burned immediately. MiniDoge holders will receive 40% of the revenue generated from MiniPets and all MiniGames in the form of BNB. MiniPets is a Play2Earn/Hold2Earn NFT adventure game where you begin your journey within Doge City which resides in Doge World. Create and develop your NFT pet, complete missions, adventure and earn NFT's. MiniGames are developed based off of the top mobile games, Hold MiniDoge to earn BNB as a reflection from Revenue. DogeEx, the exchange that brings you all the top trusted Doge tokens on the market. MiniDoge holders will also be able to stake their tokens.