Number of on-chain transactions for POLY in the last 24h.
Buying addresses : 0
Selling addresses : 0
Comparison of fund inflow vs outflow for POLY, identifying the market momentum.
Inflow :
Outflow :
Type of players driving the momentum in POLY: Whales, dolphins or fish.
Buy : $0
Sell : $0
$0 Buy
$0 Sell
FarmPoly is a Farmville-inspired metaverse where anyone can earn tokens through gameplay and ecosystem contributions. Players can plant, collect, create and build a farm to raise their animals and crops. The universe of possibilities expands into an open world with downtown real estate, gold and even bitcoin mining. In addition to Farmpoly being a fun game, it also takes on the characteristics of a social network and job platform due to a strong community and ""play to earn"". The key difference between FarmPoly and a traditional game is that blockchain's economical design is used to reward players for their contributions to the ecosystem. This novelty game model has been dubbed ""play to earn"".