Number of on-chain transactions for KEVIN in the last 24h.
Buying addresses : 0
Selling addresses : 0
Comparison of fund inflow vs outflow for KEVIN, identifying the market momentum.
Inflow :
Outflow :
Type of players driving the momentum in KEVIN: Whales, dolphins or fish.
Buy : $0
Sell : $0
$0 Buy
$0 Sell
The uniqueness of Polars lies in the concept of polar tokens. There are two polar tokens, for example WHITE and BLACK. If the price of WHITE rises, then the price of BLACK falls, and vice versa, if BLACK rises, then WHITE falls by the same amount. But the aggregate price of the two polar tokens remains unchanged. Which token will grow and which will fall is influenced by the results of specific events from the real world - sports competitions, exchange rates, politics and other events in which there are opposing sides.