Jumlah transaksi on-chain untuk MLGBC dalam 24 jam terakhir.
Alamat pembelian : 0
Alamat penjualan : 0
Perbandingan aliran dana masuk vs aliran dana keluar untuk MLGBC, mengidentifikasi momentum pasar.
Aliran masuk :
Aliran keluar :
Jenis pemain yang mendorong momentum di MLGBC: Whale, dolphin, atau fish
Beli : $0
Jual : $0
$0 Beli
$0 Jual
Telcoin is a new "mobile cryptocurrency solution", with special attention to "integration of cryptocurrency and mobile networks on a global scale". Through this mode of action, Telecoin hopes to make it easier to switch between telecom mobile money and prepaid credit and postpaid billing platforms. Other main aspects of this service include: Fully compliant with the telecommunications operator’s guidelines: The platform complies with all international telecommunications regulations and will be exclusively released by the GSMA mobile network operator. Wide availability: Telcoin has partnered with all major mobile network providers around the world to bring this crypto-based service to more than 5 billion mobile users. Based on market research: The platform is built on the solid foundation of the Ethereum blockchain. Analysts predict that this market segment has the ability to become a potential gold mine in the future. Therefore, Telcoin inherits the advantages of a trusted network.