Join Stability World AI to Claim 30 Points (Exclusive for Bitget Wallet users)
🚀 We're thrilled to announce our partnership with @StabilityW_AI - One-stop Generative AI & AI Services for Web2 & Web3.
🚀 join and get up to 30 POINT via the link:
🏠 Join the Stability World AI community:
How to join?
Switch to your Telegram app, and click "START", followed by "Launch or Play" to start the Tap2Earn game. Follow the on-screen instructions to navigate the game's interface. The onboarding steps to each of these minigames are relatively intuitive and similar across different games, ensuring a smooth and easy startup process, even if you have not tried your hands on such games before.
💰 Don’t forget to finish these task in Stability World AI bot and get up to 30 point:
• Download the Bitget Wallet Group to receive 10 POINT.
• Join the Bitget Wallet Bot to receive an additional 10 POINT.
• Join the Bitget Wallet Group to receive an additional 10 POINT.
All information provided in this article is for reference only and should not be considered financial advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies is highly risky and may result in total loss. Cryptocurrency investments are speculative and volatile, and are not protected by any government agency. Users are strongly advised to conduct their own research and bear the investment risks independently.