How to add tokens/NFTs?
Adding a token
Launch Bitget Wallet (Previously Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep)) wallet, tap the plus sign to search for a token;
Enter the abbreviation of a token (for example: AVAX) in the search bar and choose a mainnet of the token you want to add.

Adding an NFT
1) Tap “Add an NFT” to choose the mainnet of the NFT you want to add. For example, here we have WeirdApesClub in Polygon checked.
2) Go back to the landing page, and here you can check the added NFTs. If you are already a holder of the NFT collection, the thumbnail of the collection will be presented on the NFT page. Tap the image and you will go to the detail page where you can get more information about the NFT such as its floor price.
If you want to remove an added NFT from you list, long press the NFT and tap “Yes” in the pop-up pane.