Bitget Wallet 2022 CNY NFT Gift Pack Event

The Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep) 2022 CNY NFT Gift Pack event is here. Special CNY Jackpot Blind Boxes worth 260,000 USDT will be distributed. On each of the seven days during this event, NFT Gift Packs will be available for you to grab. NFT will be distributed every day. Each box contains a random amount of BKB and/or scarce NFTs. Don’t miss your nice festival surprise!
This Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep) 2022 New Year limited BuLiangRen NFT blind box, including first-level cards Li Xingyun, Buliang Shuai, Nv Di, Chi Meng, and You Chuan(each of them has 20 copies) and second-level cards Hou Qing, Zhang Zifan, Ming Di, Hei Wuchang, Bai Wuchang(each of them has 100 copies), BKB rewards, other NFT cards, 260,000 USDT worth of Jackpot Blind Box are awaiting!
Time:2022/1/24 –2022/1/30 (UTC+8)
How to get Jackpot Blind Boxes
You can get Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep) CNY Jackpot Blind Boxes by: 1) inviting new users with your unique invitation link; or 2) make a transaction with BKSwap (The amount should be ≥20U/equivalent).
How to open the Jackpot Blind Boxes:
1. In the Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep), invite new users through the blind box event page, or make a transaction in BKSwap (The amount should be ≥20U/equivalent). You will have the chance to get a Jackpot Blind Box
2. On Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep) Wallet page, tap the NAV bar in the upper right corner, and tap [Blind Box]
Tap a blind box to go to the blind box task page and you’ll see the progress of the task

3. Tap the blind box popped up, then share your invitation link to your friends so that they can contribute by fill in their valid Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep) Cloud Wallet addresses (tap the link to create a Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep) Cloud Wallet)
Tutorial: Wallet (Previously BitKeep)CloudWallet) If a certain number of friends manage to make a contribution, the blind box will unlock, and both you and your friends will get a share of the BKB inside.

Note: NFTs are indivisible. If there are NFTs in the box, then contributors will not be able to get a share. For a box containing BKB, both the inviter and the contributors can get a share.
4. The BKB in the unlocked boxes will be deposited in your Cloud Wallet. If you haven’t activated your Cloud Wallet, please tap Cloud Wallet in the NAV bar to activate it.
1.Each Cloud Wallet address will only be deemed valid for once
2. Each IP address will only be deemed valid for once
3. Users cannot contribute with Cloud Wallets created before Dec. 13, 2021
4. The NFTs obtained from the Jackpot Blind Boxes will be distributed to the users’ on-chain addresses before Feb 10, 2022(HKT)
Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep) reserves the final right to interpret the rules of this event. And we reserve the right to disqualify any user who cheats, is suspected of cheating, or violates any of the Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep) rules and regulations.