Bitget Wallet Offers Comprehensive Support to zkSync

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We are happy to announce that Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep) offers comprehensive support to zkSync.

Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep) has always been actively involved in the ecosystem building of Layer2. The integration between Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep) and zkSync will bring better user experience on digital assets management.

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About zkSync

zkSync is a trustless protocol for scalable low-cost payments on Ethereum, powered by zkRollup technology. It uses zero-knowledge proofs and on-chain data availability to keep users’ funds as safe as though they never left the mainnet.

Some of the main features of zkSync are:

  • Extremely low transaction fees
  • Trustless protocol
  • Funds are cryptographically secure, as in the Ethereum mainnet
  • Users are always in control of their funds
  • No requirement for operational activity to keep the funds safe


About Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep)

Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep) is the world’s largest digital currency wallet, which supports all mainstream public chains and Layer 2 such as BTC, ETH, BSC, HECO, TRON, OKExChain, Polkadot, Polygon, EOS, etc. It has provided reliable digital currency asset management service for nearly tens of millions of users around the world; it is also an essential tool wallet for current DeFi users. Its monthly active users exceed 1 million; Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep) users are located in more than 50 countries around the world, of which overseas users account for more than 60% of the total number of users.

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Twitter: Wallet (Previously BitKeep)OS

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