What are Ethscriptions?

What are Ethscriptions? image 0
  • Ethscriptions are a pioneering protocol that enables the creation and distribution of digital objects on the Ethereum blockchain by encoding information directly within Ethereum transaction calldata.
  • Ethscriptions offer cost-effectiveness by avoiding the complexities and expenses associated with deploying smart contracts, making them accessible to a broader audience of artists, creators, and developers.
  • However, potential challenges related to Ethereum's calldata handling may impact the long-term viability of Ethscriptions, while BRC-20 and ERC-721 tokens benefit from established standards but incur higher gas fees.

In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, innovation never ceases. One such innovation that has recently garnered attention is Ethscriptions — a novel way of creating and sharing digital objects on the Ethereum blockchain. Similar to the way Bitcoin Ordinals work, Ethscriptions are a way for users to share data (images only, for now) without creating ERC-721 tokens. In this article, we will delve into what Ethscriptions are, how they work, their potential impact on the crypto landscape, and how they differ from other token standards like BRC-20 and ERC-721.

What Are Ethscriptions?

Ethscriptions are a groundbreaking protocol that reimagines how digital tokens can be stored and shared on the Ethereum blockchain. Created by Tom Lehman, Co-Founder of music website Genius.com, the Ethscriptions protocol was first launched on 17 June 2023 and was largely influnced by the Bitcoin Ordinals. At their core, Ethscriptions enable users to create and distribute digital objects by encoding information directly within Ethereum transaction calldata. This innovative approach differs significantly from traditional smart contracts and Layer 2 solutions.

How Do Ethscriptions Work?

The key to understanding Ethscriptions lies in how they utilize Ethereum transaction calldata. Calldata, often referred to as the "notes field" of an Ethereum transaction, typically contains information relevant to a specific transaction. When interacting with a smart contract, users include function names and parameters in the calldata field. Ethscriptions, however, encode data into calldata without directing it toward smart contracts.Ethsubscriptions encode data into calldata but do not involve smart contract logic. NFTs (ERC-721 tokens), on the other hand, use smart contracts to store metadata and link to an external source storing the content. This unique approach makes Ethscriptions more cost-effective than traditional NFTs as they host content natively on Ethereum, without relying on third-party storage.Ethscriptions are currently only limited to images not exceeding 96KB, but Lehman has revealed that this may change in the future.

Advantages of Ethscriptions

By storing essential data within Ethereum transaction calldata instead of resource-intensive smart contracts, Ethscriptions avoid the complexities and expenses associated with deploying smart contracts, as with conventional ERC-721 tokens.

In this way, Ethscriptions also offer a more economical alternative for artists, creators, and collectors. This cost efficiency has the potential to reshape the NFT landscape, making it accessible to a broader audience.

Furthermore, reduced transaction costs can also lead to more environmentally friendly NFT practices, as they contribute to lowering the overall energy consumption associated with blockchain networks.


Ethsubscriptions are also a catalyst for democratizing access to decentralized computations and digital assets. By offering a more affordable alternative to traditional smart contracts and Layer 2 scaling solutions, Ethscriptions remove many barriers to entry for artists, developers, and everyday users.

Artists and creators no longer face prohibitive gas fees when minting and transferring their digital artworks. This affordability not only benefits seasoned NFT enthusiasts but also empowers emerging artists and creators to participate in the digital art ecosystem.

Developers, too, benefit from Ethscriptions' simplicity. They can experiment with decentralized applications (DApps) and services without the complexities associated with traditional smart contracts. This encourages innovation and opens up new avenues for blockchain-based solutions in various industries.

Ethscriptions Virtual Machine

To further enhance the Ethscriptions ecosystem, an Ethscriptions Virtual Machine is on the horizon. This development promises to expand the capabilities of Ethscriptions and bring about exciting new use cases. While the specifics of this virtual machine are yet to be revealed, its introduction could mark a significant step in the evolution of this innovative protocol.

Ethscriptions vs BRC-20 vs ERC-721

Ethsubscriptions differentiate themselves from BRC-20 and ERC-721 token standards by not incorporating smart contract logic. While this simplicity may limit their composability when compared to BRC-20 and ERC-721 tokens, it simultaneously reduces complexity and operational costs. By avoiding smart contract interactions, Ethsubscriptions provide a streamlined and accessible platform for creating on-chain digital tokens. This simplicity is particularly advantageous for users seeking a straightforward and cost-efficient way to tokenize digital assets.

However, while Ethsubscriptions offer a promising approach to cost-effective digital asset creation, they are not without potential challenges. Ethereum's ongoing development and proposed updates, such as EIP-4444, may impact the handling of calldata, which is fundamental to Ethsubscriptions' storage mechanism. The longevity of this innovative approach will depend on how well it adapts to the evolving Ethereum landscape and addresses any forthcoming challenges.

BRC-20 and ERC-721 tokens, on the other hand, benefit from established standards within the blockchain community. That being said, their reliance on smart contracts can result in higher gas fees, making them less efficient in terms of cost. Additionally, while these standards have proven their worth, they may not be as adaptable to emerging trends and requirements in the blockchain space.

Search for Latest Ethscription Data Using Bitget Wallet!

To view the latest prices of Ethscriptions and to search up specific Ethscriptions, simply head on over to Bitget Wallet's DApp browser. Either key in "EtchMarket" in the search field, or tap on the featured DApp on the browser homepage to jump on over to EtchMarket, the primary data aggregator for Ethscriptions.

What are Ethscriptions? image 1
Do note that EtchMarket is not directly affiliated with Bitget Wallet, and is considered a third-party application. Always do your own research before accessing and trusting such third-party applications beforehand.

Ethsubscriptions represent an exciting innovation in the world of blockchain technology. By reimagining how digital artifacts are stored and shared on Ethereum, they offer a cost-effective alternative to traditional NFTs. As the Ethscriptions Virtual Machine emerges, we can anticipate further advancements and use cases. However, challenges regarding Ethereum's calldata handling may influence their long-term viability. Despite these uncertainties, Ethscriptions exemplify the ongoing spirit of innovation in the crypto space, driving the industry forward one groundbreaking concept at a time.

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