What is Staking?

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  • Staking involves locking up digital assets in wallets to support blockchain operations, shifting from energy-intensive Proof of Work (PoW) to Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus.
  • Staking rewards compensate participants for supporting blockchain networks, either as fixed tokens or a percentage of staked amount and duration.
  • Beyond network security, staking finds application in decentralized finance (DeFi) for liquidity provision and yield farming.
  • Staking comes with certain risks, however, such as committing assets for a defined period, limiting liquidity. Certain PoS networks also utilize slashing to penalize dishonest validators, risking staked assets.

Staking has emerged as an increasingly pivotal element in the dynamic world of Web3, and is introducing novel ways for users to interact with blockchain networks.

In this article, we will be taking a closer look at how staking works, exploring its applications, and identifying its potential risks within Web3.

What is Staking?

Staking involves locking up a portion of your digital assets within your wallet to support the operations of a blockchain network. Unlike the energy-intensive Proof of Work (PoW) mechanism like that of Bitcoin, staking introduces Proof of Stake (PoS) as an alternative consensus protocol. This shift aligns economic incentives with network security and sustainability, offering participants rewards for contributing to the network's sustained operations. Examples of blockchain networks that operate on a PoS consensus protocol include Ethereum, Avalanche, and Cardano.

When you stake your crypto, you're essentially becoming a participant in the network's consensus process. By doing so, you assist in validating transactions, creating new blocks, and safeguarding the network against malicious activities. As a token of appreciation for your contribution, you receive rewards, often in the form of additional tokens native to the blockchain. These rewards foster a symbiotic relationship that balances the interests of network security and user incentivization.

What are Staking Rewards?

Staking rewards are the lifeblood of the staking ecosystem. Participants who lock up their crypto to support blockchain networks receive these rewards as compensation for their contribution, and can take the form of fixed amounts of tokens or as a percentage calculated based on the staked amount and the duration of staking.

It's important to note that the specifics of staking rewards can vary significantly between different blockchain networks. Each network might have its own rules, protocols, and mechanisms for distributing rewards, adding to the diversity of opportunities for stakers.

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Staking Roles

Within the staking ecosystem, two key roles emerge: validators and delegators.

Validators play a pivotal role in the staking process. These technically proficient network participants run nodes, validate transactions, and create new blocks in the blockchain. In return for their efforts, validators earn staking rewards. However, the journey to becoming a validator isn't without its challenges. Validators must invest in hardware and energy costs, and the requirements to become a validator vary from one blockchain to another.

On the other hand, Delegators participate in staking by "delegating" their staking power to a validator. This involves staking their coins with a validator who carries out the technical work. Delegators receive a portion of the staking rewards in return for their delegation, creating a collaborative and inclusive environment for staking.

Use Cases of Staking

While staking is often associated with validating and securing networks, its potential goes far beyond that. The DeFi sector, in particular, has harnessed staking for diverse applications. One notable application is the provision of liquidity to liquidity pools, which allows users to trade one token for another in a decentralized manner. Stakers receive rewards or yields for their contributions, contributing to the burgeoning DeFi ecosystem.

Furthermore, staking is not confined to the financial sector alone. It finds utility in various use cases such as rewards programs, microloans, and more. The ability to lock up tokens in exchange for privileges, rewards, or access represents a versatile and transformative trend within the broader Web3 world.

Advantages of Staking

Staking presents multiple opportunities and advantages for users, as we will learn more about below.

Generating Passive Income

Embrace the opportunity to earn passive income through staking, particularly if your plan involves holding onto your cryptocurrency tokens for the foreseeable future. By staking your tokens, you tap into a source of income that you would have otherwise missed out on within your cryptocurrency investment strategy.

Empowering Preferred Crypto Projects

Staking extends beyond personal gain; it's a means to actively support and fortify the blockchain projects you resonate with. As mentioned earlier, staking plays an important role in enhancing the security and efficiency of the blockchain endeavors you endorse. By staking a portion of your funds, you contribute to the blockchain's resilience against potential attacks while enhancing its transaction processing capabilities, placing users at the forefront of co-creation with their favoured projects.

Seamless Onboarding

Initiating your staking journey is remarkably straightforward. With the availability of one-stop crypto wallets such as Bitget Wallet, you can swiftly embark on your staking endeavors without unnecessary complexities.

Potential Risks of Staking

As with any investment-related activity, staking comes with its own set of risks. With asset lock-up being one of the primary factors. Engaging in token staking involves committing your assets for a defined period, typically ranging from weeks to months based on the program. However, this commitment comes at a trade-off: during this timeframe, the flexibility to cash out or trade your tokens is limited, potentially affecting your liquidity.

Additionally, certain proof of stake networks employ a "slashing" mechanism to penalize dishonest validators, resulting in the reduction of staked tokens. Entrusting your tokens with a deceitful validator increases the risk of losing a portion of your investment due to these penalties.

Click here to learn more about the 5 risk vectors of DeFi trading!


Staking stands as a cornerstone of the Web3 era, bridging the gap between economic incentives and network security. Through staking, participants actively contribute to blockchain networks while reaping rewards for their engagement. With distinct roles for validators and delegators, staking creates a collaborative environment that accommodates a range of participants.

Staking's influence extends beyond network consensus, enriching the decentralized finance landscape and inspiring creative applications across various sectors. As Web3 continues to reshape the digital world, staking remains a central tenet, offering both seasoned enthusiasts and newcomers a way to engage meaningfully with blockchain technology and contribute to the evolution of decentralized ecosystems.

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