Número de transações on-chain de ELX nas últimas 24 horas.
Endereços compradores : 0
Endereços vendedores : 0
Comparação entre fluxos de entrada e de saída de fundos de ELX, de forma a identificar o impulso do mercado.
Entradas :
Saídas :
Tipo de atores a fomentarem o impulso de ELX: baleias, golfinhos ou fish.
Comprar : $0
Vender : $0
$0 Comprar
$0 Vender
Energy Ledger is a company and a token that uses blockchain technology to provide users with an energy value trading platform to manage the process of oil from the ground to barrels to distribution. The main purpose of ELX tokens is to carry data related to transactions in the energy industry. The minting, sending and burning processes can all use data and operator data fields, which are passed to any movement (minting, sending and burning).